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-Adding a glass build plate
-Attaching the filament stand to the top of the printer
-Using filament spools that have a narrow center hole
-Raising the Z-Axis Endstop Switch
-"def" Error Message & Thermistor Basics
-The belt behind my extruder assembly is rubbing against the bearing housings
-My Heated Bed Plate is "jittery" or vibrating
-Loose Z-Axis rods & Leveling X-Axis Assembly
-My X-Axis belts have come undone or are loose
-My Heated Bed Plate (Y-Axis) is smashing into the back of the printer frame
-My Extuder Carriage (X-Axis) is smashing into the sides of my printer frame
-My SD Card is loaded into the printer but I can't see my files
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